Habit linking secrets (1/11)

  • 02:07
  • 視聴期間 : 30 日

Hello and welcome,
During this course I’ll be offering you videos and practical exercises that will teach you how to implement long lasting habits. The entire content is based on case studies, trainings and my experience in individual coaching sessions.
Before browsing the content, please help me with something; it will only take 3 minutes of your time. Below you can see the link to a survey that will help me improve the quality of future courses. If you haven’t answered it yet, please do so now:
Have a very productive day!
Vaida Bogdan
PS: If you want to learn more about me, you can check my personal page here: www.vaidabogdan.com


2014-10-03 17:40:57 に投稿

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